one week ago my
nephew was born at 7:28pm on March 25, 2014.
he was
8 pounds, 3 ounces and 20.5 inches.

his name is
Greyson Michael. and he is the most
precious little man! i love him to pieces already. Kelly is a
mommy now, and that still sounds weird. hah! i am so proud of her, she went through a lot that day. 12 hours of labor and after all that, she had to have a c-section. Greyson was too big, and now knowing exactly how big he was no one was surprised it came down to that. they are both healthy and doing great.

i wish i didn't live over an hour away. i would be over there ALL the time. then i'd get my
baby fix and wouldn't have such a strong desire to have
my own yet. yah you read that right, i have serious baby fever! so thanks Kelly. Greyson is such a cute boy. God made him
perfect and he is a
beautiful blessing!

Wes and i are still
not quite ready for one of our own. ever since Greyson was born, i want a baby
right now. but being pregnant on our vacation in August to Jamaica would be less than ideal. so until then...
no babies. at least thats our plan. and who knows, maybe this time
next year i could be pregnant. Wes will be such a cute daddy! one day...

another picture of Greyson. taken today in his swing at
one week old!
in other news! Wes is heading to Rwanda on friday :( more
international travel. except this trip is shorter and his boss will be going with him. we also have iphones now, so it will be easier for us to communicate anytime of the day. please pray for
safe travels,
peace of mind, and that we remember to
focus on the Lord. Wes will come home sunday the 13th, we would both really appreciate your thoughts and prayers! thanks.
and thanks for reading! :)