hey remember that one time i used to write blogs? yeah i almost don't either cause it was SO long ago. most of my blogs are at the beginning of the year before things get crazy. but i don't think i wrote a single blog in the last two years... shame. so to kick things off in 2019, how about a little summary of what i've been up to.

i'm a wife. i've been
married to my prince charming for almost 7 years. SEVEN YEARS. that sounds like a lot. and it's hard to remember life before him. total its been about 10 years, but in the grand scheme of things, it really isn't that long. but they've been the
best ten years of my life. we had a few years
without kids. we lived in a small, one bedroom apartment without cable or internet. that is about as simple as it gets. we were happy. less distractions. i wrote more blogs then and wes read a lot of books... he still reads a lot of books. ha! our apartment complex had a pretty cool clubhouse with wifi and a movie theater so we utilized that. we saw it as time
together. we did a little traveling. just before our first baby came, we upgraded to a two bedroom apartment with a gorgeous view of the white river... we even got wifi. living that fancy life.
and then we
bought a house about two years ago. our three bedroom ranch is cozy, but we love it. of course, wes and i have had more arguments in our house than in our three apartments before. i think there are two reasons; being a
homeowner can really suck sometimes and life has gotten more
complicated since our 700 square foot space seven years ago. no worries, we always figure it out together. and at the end of the day we
still like each other. there is always
love, but it's important to like each other too.

i'm a
stay at home momma. i have two littles, a boy(3 1/2) and a girl(8 months). they are my world and bring me so much joy. oh we have days, don't get me wrong. when i could rip my hair out and think about returning to the working world, that's just real life. but nothing is better than spending
my days with them. i wouldn't trade even the worst ones to miss their sweet faces growing up. and boy do they grow up fast.
Graham is such a sweet, snuggler. he looks like a bruiser, but he is mister sensitive. and
Lilian, she is something else. miss sassypants. i think she's going to run the house. only time will tell.
that's all for now...
planning on posting Lilian's maternity and newborn pictures, stay tuned.