Monday, August 30, 2010


I realize I'm only a week into classes but seriously.

On monday and wednesdays I have a 8AM class. this means I have to wake up before 6AM to get ready and leave by 6:45AM to get to class on time with all the crazies driving to work. whooaaaaa. morning traffic is crazy.. people r nutso! And I am NOT a morning person so these days are truly difficult. I try to go to bed early... but my body is never ready... because I don't have a schedule on the weekends AND on tuesday and thursdays I don't have class until 12:30PM. so I sleep in (a little). Every day is different. very different.

Today I got home from class early, had lunch with dad then came home and took a loooooong nap. And now I'm probably not going to be tired when I need to go to sleep tonight. But I was trying to study and could not keep my eyes open. It's a problem. I'll get used to it. hopefully.

Also I've been getting headaches every night and have some sort of sinus issue, maybe I've developed allergies? I don't know but that makes sleeping difficult as well.

I'll figure it out.
To sleep or be sleepy. I don't know.

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