This last weekend was fall break. guess who did not get to enjoy fall break.. oh yeah me. why? because I worked ALL weekend. Oh and I had a microbiology test @ 8am the morning after what was supposed to be fall break.
And Thanksgiving is coming... about a month away. Oh wait.. guess who won't get to enjoy that break either... me again... because I work retail.
I'm 20. I'm supposed to be enjoying life. right? That's what I've been told. But it's so hard to do when I'm ALWAYS busy. I want to visit family, hang out with friends, enjoy my years in college. I feel like I work soooo much. I want to be less stressed out. I want to be able to get a good nights sleep. I work hard because I want a good job, I want a good life... but I want to enjoy growing up.
I wish I could just quit. But I also don't know if I know how to do that. I have bills and goals which make it hard to make an irrational decision like just quitting my job because I'm tired of being busy. But maybe I should try it and see where I'm taken.
I realize I'm having a minor pity party for myself right now. However, I needed to express these thoughts to someone... whoever may read this I suppose. I know that God has a plan for me.. and I know it's going to be WAY more awesome than the plan I may have for myself. But for now I'm just here figuring it out.
If you have any advice please do share.