i guess i just haven't felt like sharing much this year. it's already May and this is only my second blog for 2011. woo! so what's new in my life?
well....... not a whole lot. and thats okay. for the most part i'm happy with my life and the way things are going. i may not know what i'm doing or what's going to happen tomorrow but God does. so maybe a better question is what's been going on in my life?

i'm working at the three dog bakery and it has been going great. i really enjoy my "littermates" there. it's been a good fit for me. i still watch the stump boys every Wednesday. have to get my fix each week! love them. they are getting so big i can't stand it.
<--- my boys. Paul, Hank and Peter :)
my parents found a house in harrison, OH. it is very cute and i love it. mom is still going back and forth between the house and my apartment. dad is permanently in ohio and i don't see him much.. and it's sad, that part i don't like. i also miss oreo a lot :(
kelly started school at Aveda and seems to be enjoying her time there, for the most part anyways. its been an adjustment for her, but in my opinion a very good one. i'm going to be one of her color models once she is training on the floor. yikes ;) no but really its pretty cool to see her excited about school.

wesley and i are doing wonderful. we celebrated our one year anniversary in March. we went to chicago and it was a lot of fun. i am so blessed to be with him. he makes me so happy :)
<--- picture of us at the "BEAN" also known as the cloud gate.
and now for me and my schooling... at this point anything could happen. this spring i chose to pursue a new career, new major, new school entirely from nursing. i think i'd enjoy working in pediatrics, but nursing at IUPUI is just not going to happen. so i've been looking into a vet technician. it's something i wanted to do out of high school but didn't want to go to purdue, IUPUI was cheap and close so i went there and chose nursing instead. well here i am looking into it three years later. weird how things turn out. so nothing official yet. mom dad and i are still figuring out money and if its an option. i hope it works out, but again who knows.

cleo is still a stinker. still eating my plants and knocking things over and trying to rip up my carpet but i love her. she's now nine months old and weighs about nine pounds. she's got a little belly on her, but it's cute.
<--- here she is in one of her favorite spots. the sink. waiting for someone to turn it on and let her have a drink.
anything else?
my apartment has been a fun project to decorate. i've had a good time bargain hunting. tjmaxx is the way to go. it's coming together quite nicely.
my sleep schedule is totally weird. i always close at work so i stay up too late, sleep in too late and i have tried to fix it, but somehow i fall back into the same routine. it sucks.
i can't wait til the weather stays warm and stops with the raining and tornado warnings. my head cannot take it anymore.
i just finished this semester at school, working almost full time and am still the busiest person ever. even if i have a day off it somehow slips away from me. i find mini projects for myself. i need to learn how to just do nothing.
i finally quit american eagle :/ and i kinda miss it. the discount was unbelievable. but i was just getting too busy for it and scheduling was getting more and more difficult. not to mention wesley did not like our saturday date night getting cut short so i could go fold clothes at a floorset :P so its sad, but better this way.
okayyy thats enough.. now i'm just rambling.
have a good week :) thanks for reading.