on friday i will have finished my fourth week of classes which means MIDTERMS. woo! classes are going very well and i have learned so much already. i took my math midterm today. is it sad that i'm upset i have a 96%? i feel like its not quite good enough hah. in my animal tech class we've learned how to do dog and cat restraints in terms of holding them safely for procedures in a vet office or hospital. we went over TPR; temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate. the best part about this class is that we have a kennel at my school and get hands on experience with the dogs after we learn stuff.. today my group and i worked with a dog nam
ed chowder. he's a seven year old golden/lab mix and is the sweetest thing ever. we used our stethoscope to find all these fun things today with him. it was kinda awesome. but i need a lot more practice, its hard to find these things on a dog andi haven't even tried it on a cat. but i'm going to practice practice practice on my kitty, cleo. i'm pretty much rocking my classes four weeks in and hope to keep it that way.
everything else update.
on thursday i get to watch the stump boys for a few hours! i can't wait. with school i don't watch them very much. its been a couple months :( i hope they don't look too big, i might freak out! on thursday night natalie and i are going to see the new twilight movie at midnight. this is movie number four part one, breaking dawn. we are excited to continue the tradition! even tho i will be getting no sleep that night. on friday i finish up midterms and will officially be halfway done with my first term of classes. time is moving so fast! i can't decide if the next 18 months are going to go slow or fast. on saturday i move apartments to one closer to school and a little less expensive. i will say i am very glad to not have to deal with the morning traffic, merging from 37 to 69 is a pain. and cleo has really enjoyed the moving process.. like a giant jungle gym all the time. i can't wait to not see boxes everywhere. except i have to move my stuff again in six months so maybe i just shouldn't unpack. hah.

time for homework. and maybe take a break and play some mario cart with wes! he is so good to me, he helps me study, sits with me when i do my homework and helps me take breaks. its better when hes around. i love him.
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