Thursday, June 19, 2014

anniversary no.2!

at the end of May, wes and I celebrated our two year anniversary! we took a long weekend over memorial day and caravanned to Hilton Head with my parents, kelly, and baby greyson to visit my grandparents who moved there last November. we drove in on thursday. it was wonderful to see my grandparents! i hadn't seen them since Christmas, which was much longer than it would've been if they still lived in Cincinnati. it was about a 12 hour drive, we stopped for gas and lunch and stretching! greyson did really well in the car, course wes and i were in a different car but we didn't stop because of him.

once we arrived on thursday afternoon, we settled in and went to dinner at steamers, a restaurant that my family always goes to on the first night of vacation. i love their bull bite house salad! so yummy! after dinner we went to rita's for delicious custard, it is seriously the best custard ever! i'm not even kidding, it is so good.

friday morning, wes, kelly, and I went on a beautiful 15 mile bike ride around my grandparents neighborhood and on the beach. it was low tide so we found a million tiny crabs and our shoes sunk into the mucky sand, but it was fun and gorgeous. that afternoon some of us went to the coligny public beach. Greyson stayed home with "gigi" (great grandma) so kelly had the afternoon off from mommy duty. we laid out like old times and got some sun! for dinner we went to skull creek boathouse. the wait was super long so we went in the gift shop and hung out on the dock.
on saturday we woke up and dad wanted to go for a bike ride. so wes, dad, and i rode our bikes around the island on bike paths for about 12 miles. oh man, were my butt and thighs tired after two days of that!

we got back to the house, cleaned up and wes and i headed to Savannah to spend the day together for our anniversary. its about a 50 minute to hour drive. having spent a week in Savannah for our honeymoon we got to know the city quite well. we parked in the same garage near the hotel we stayed at which is pretty central to everything. we walked city market, did some shopping, walked through some of the squares, and went down to river street where there was a memorial day weekend street festival. one of our goals for this trip was to find a sock monster for our future child. we went in this interior design store while on our honeymoon and found these adorable toys. i figured i would just order one when we were ready for kids. weeellllll you can't get them online. so we searched for the store, found it, and they don't carry the stuffed sock monsters anymore. you can only get them in Charleston, where the woman who makes them lives. sad day. guess we will just have to go to Charleston now!
while shopping, we found this really neat cookie store. they sold packaged cookies in the strangest flavors, key lime pie, jalapeno something, cheese, red velvet, etc. we bought the key lime pie cookies... sounds weird, but they were soooo yummy! about an hour before dinner time we started discussing our food options. Savannah has a pretty terrible food scene. its quite sad actually. we wanted to go someplace local, but in the end after about two hours are searching and trip advisor reviews, we ended up at outback. ha! sounds so lame, but we enjoyed ourselves.

after dinner we went back to Lulu's Chocolate Bar. our favorite place in Savannah. great atmosphere, cool people, annnd delicious desserts and drinks. wes ordered a cheesecake and i got a huge slice of cookie cake. we also got a milky way martini, good but too much alcohol taste for me. after that we headed back to the car, on the way i tried to steal a man's kitten. tiny kitty on a leash, looked just like cleo. the man who owned it was a hot mess, like homeless traveler kind of hot mess. poor cat. would've been better off with me. but we arrived back to the car, kittenless, and drove to back hilton head. we arrived at my grandparents house before too late and sat outside talking until the mosquitoes started biting. then we all went to bed.

sunday was our last day and we planned on taking baby greyson to the beach! his first beach experience. oh boy! we loaded up the car with beach chairs, umbrellas, and towels. got to the beach, unloaded and walked to find a spot. since its a public beach and memorial day weekend kickoffs the busy season, it was crowded. but it wasn't high tide until later so people were still kinda spread out. we found a spot, laid out a beach blanket, unfolded chairs, and attempted to put up an umbrella for baby g. while wes and dad struggled, i figured out a contraption with the chair and its umbrella for him. he was asleep before wes and dad gave up on the big umbrella. greyson slept while the rest of us enjoyed the ocean breeze, toes in the sand, and sun on our skin. ahhh i love the beach. the ocean, well thats a different story. i go about knee deep and stand there. it is absolutely beautiful to look at, but that one bad experience with jellies and not being about to see the bottom... i just can't do it.
when greyson woke up from his nap we had about an hour before it was time to feed him. so kelly wanted to dip his toes in the ocean and get a few beach pictures with him. surprise, surprise... he hated it. absolutely hated it. but we got some cute pictures! we headed back to gram and gramp's for lunch. the rest of our afternoon was pretty lazy. we hung out around the house, i fell asleep by the pool. and then it was about dinner time. gram made her famous spaghetti! i don't know what she does to that sauce, but it is so good.

after dinner we thought it might be fun to play some putt putt. greyson stayed home with gigi and grandpa and the rest of the fam went putt putting. tradition, you have to go putt putting in hilton head. we went to pirates island. they do a great job making you feel like a pirate... or on a pirate island? ha! we goofed off, took ridiculous pictures, and kind of played putt putt. all i know is mom won and wes found the perfect place to plank. we headed back, hung out with gram and grandpa for a little while and then said our goodbyes before bed because we were planning on leaving early.

monday morning when my alarm went off, i was not ready to leave. the weekend went by WAY too fast. i miss my grandparents being in Cincinnati. yes its nice that they have a house in the perfect place to vacation, but i see them less and that makes me sad. and yes the trip was wonderful. i enjoyed vacationing with my family, it has been years since we've done that together. when we both have to work full time, 11 hours is too long of a drive for a quick weekend. speaking of driving, the drive home was long and slow, the excitement and anticipation of the trip was gone. luckily, we had dinner plans to look forward to! we were driving through Louisville, so it only made sense to see two of our dearest friends! we ended up having dinner at chuys with Rachel and Jeremy. i just love them! it was a short visit, but hey at least we got to see them! still wish we lived closer. #alwayswill

wes and i arrived home around 10 o'clock monday night. oh my gosh, what a long day! work the next day was a draggg. i was so tired and sore i don't even remember going. ha!

our actually anniversary was monday. we spent it in the car. which sounds kinda terrible, but it was actually kinda nice. we spent the WHOLE day together. talking and singing and being weirdos together. i love my husband so much! and thank God for him every day. i am blessed to be his wife and love spending our lives together. and to think this is only our second anniversary, we have so much more to look forward to together... forever and for always!

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