June was a crazy social month for wes and i. #gettingpopular
ha! just kidding.

anyways. the first weekend in June, i went to
cincinnati for a REDS GAME with my family. even gram and grandpa came! they were in town for abby's graduation that weekend so the timing was
perfect. mom and kelly stayed home tho... boo! mom didn't want to risk getting a migrane and missing abby's party the next day and kelly stayed with greyson. it would have been a long night, i think hes a little too young for a reds game just yet. but the last time we all went to a game was back in 2007. oh boy, do we look different! dad and i got
skyline cheese coneys at the game, it felt necessary. ha! we almost got free la roses pizza for 11 strikeouts, but fell one short. the reds lost terribly, i don't think they got a single run the whole game. i don't care too much about
baseball anyways, i just went to be with family. and since it was a friday night game, we got to see some pretty fantastic fireworks at the end. it was really fun screaming chants, clapping, doing the wave, and goofing off. i had a great time.

the next day, i stayed in cincy for abby's GRADUATION PARTY. it was
extravagant! catered chick-fil-a, a slushie machine, cotton candy machine, huge inflatable slip n slide, natalie made two different types of cupcakes. it was super fun! i can't believe my
baby cousin is graduated from high school, that sounds crazy! definitely makes me feel old. so proud of you abby, you are turning into a beautiful young lady. unfortunately, wes missed out on this
fun filled family weekend. he was playing in a wedding back in indy. he had fun, wedding are always fun. but we've decided being apart always makes things less fun than if we would have done them together. #marriedlife

the second weekend in June, we celebrated my
niece's second birthday! we all went over to wes' brother's house and had a
minnie mouse themed party, super cute. nora was
adorable! we sang happy birthday, opened presents, chatted, and played with the girls. emma asked her aunts, bonnie and myself, to play "princesses" with her. we each had a doll and emerged ourselves into the
world of make believe. kids are so good at it! i felt a little rusty, but nonetheless it was fun.

after the party, wes and i headed over to a friends house for a
cheese themed dinner party! this was our second theme night with this particular group of friends, the first was mexican night. so everyone brought part of the meal which included caprese salad, queso dip and chips, grilled cheese sandwiches, strawberries with mascarpone dip and chocolate chip cheesecake for dessert. so much cheese!! everything was delicious! and everyone was stuffed. we were introduced to
kan jam that night. a game involving a frisbee, and two plastic barrels. i am TERRIBLE! just so terrible. 9 times out of 10 my frisbee throw resulted in someone walking around the fence to retrieve it. #sorryfriends just helping everyone work off the cheese dinner. it was a great night, we love our friends.
the third weekend in June, we went to KINGS ISLAND! woop woop. always a blast. i love
roller coasters. we went with wes' sister bonnie and her husband david. we only rode three rides together all day. david and i can't go on rides that spin and bonnie is a little weary of roller coasters.

we started with the
adventure express. it could almost be considered a kid roller coaster, but it is so much fun! i totally love it. so glad we went on this together and even more glad that bonnie and david sat behind wes and i. we got to hear bonnie scream the entire ride. it was hilarious! not because she was screaming, just how she screamed. it was like
short bursts of noise were erupting out of her mouth uncontrollably. so funny. but she did a great job!
first ride and first roller coaster of the day. bonnie and wes rode some spiny rides. the scrambler and the swings. #barffest. and then we did our next roller coaster, the bat. definitely a step up from adventure express. and one of my favorites! bonnie, again, did a great job. she
conquered the bat! and even liked it, a little! we rode the BANSHEE after that, minus bonnie. its the newest ride at kings island and the longest inverted roller coaster, now wes' new favorite ride. its smooth and exciting. david was green when we got off, a few too many loops and twists for him. he was basically done for the day. i needed a short break after that one myself. great ride, but for someone that gets sick with spinning, the inverted loops kinda got to me. we had la roses pizza for lunch and then hit some more rides. we parted ways for the next couple coasters. wes and i rode
the vortex, my all time
favorite roller coaster, the beast, and the racer. i decided i do not like the racer. all those little hills really mess with my stomach. and its awfully jerky. a different kind of jerky than the beast, i like the beast. we met back up with bonnie and david and went up the eiffel tower and finished the day with a water ride, white water canyon! always get soaked on that one. it was a fantastic day! enjoyed spending time with bonnie and david, and wes of course.

the fourth weekend in June... well thursday before the weekend was
wes' birthday! 28! he went to work. i had the day off so i cleaned the apartment, did the laundry, baked a cake, decorated the apartment, and threw together a
little party. we had plans to go to
Bone Fish Grill with dave and kelsey. love them, we spent wes' birthday with them last year. so we did that, had a blast! and then headed back to the apartment for cake and ice cream. i told wes i invited some people over because i couldn't hide my excitement, i just didn't tell him who all was coming. so around 830 our
tiny apartment filled with friends. we had about 12 people over. i made everyone sing happy birthday to wes, which was funny. we ate delicious funfetti cake with ice cream, played mario cart, kan jam, and chatted. i think wes was happily surprised. i hope he felt special and loved.

on friday, the next day, we were invited to
Symphony on the Prairie with folks from
leavener. somehow i had never been before. it was the eagles night, so everything was 70s themed. we had tables up front and did a dinner pitch in. so much food. and such a great group of people to hang out with! music was good, and i knew some of the songs! on sunday we hung out with more folks from leavener in the target parking lot for the fishers freedom festival
great company, kinda terrible fireworks. but its fine, we weren't really there to see the fireworks anyways.
we just like hanging out with people.
i know its mid July. part 2 coming soon! wait for it...
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