i finished the nursery and a few more DIY projects just in time to KEEP WAITING for this baby. nine months is a long time! but we are about three weeks away from meeting our son, give or take. @ 37 weeks i was 1 cm dilated and measuring "right on schedule". he has dropped and is head down so thats good news! at night i have restless leg syndrome, get calf cramps, and i'm constantly changing positions. i get up about every 3 hours to pee. naps during the day are turning into a must. with all that being said, i've still had what i would consider an easy pregnancy. any day now!
here are my final nursery DIYs.
after some serious procrastination on the curtains, i finally went and bought the blackout fabric i needed to finish. i love love love how they turned out! the orange is perfect and 100% unique since they were handmade. oh and let me tell you when those curtains are closed, there is no light getting through. blackout success! you could sleep all day in that room.
a canvas covered in fabric with a puffy paint design! i was a little nervous about this one because i couldn't really undo it if things went badly. but i'm quite proud with how it turned out! i also wanted to share this wooden toy truck that a friend of ours made for him! so cool!

i have spent months putting together the nursery. it was like one giant project and a really good distraction from not working. i'm glad everything came together because at first it was just these random DIY ideas. now its probably the best decorated room in the apartment. and it makes our bedroom look very unfinished, but i'll get to that when we have a house. so the nursery is ready and waiting the arrival of its little human! i cannot wait! Graham will be here so soon!
You're so cute and crafty!!! Now just add an adorable baby boy and everything will be complete! :)