Thursday, February 25, 2010


thursdays are always such a busy day for me.

wake up, get ready.
watch Aiden at 9 until about 12.
go hang out with the stump boys, Paul & Hank around 12:15 til 3:45.
physio lecture at 4:30.
sign language at 6.

date night with EMILY WEST.

yes i love babysitting, class is a drag.
but every thursday always ends with lots of fun and laughter :)

God thank you for Emily.
she is an amazing girl and a fabulous friend.
this past year was crazy...
BUT we both survived through each other.
i loves you emi :)

tonight we are going to see shutter island.
"pull yourself together Teddy"
can't wait.

just gotta get through class.

1 comment:

  1. pull yourself togetha teddy!

    haha i can't wait to see your beautiful self tonight!

    love you.
